Mothers’ Stories

A cup of tea with my worries..

A cup of tea with my worries..
Published : May 18 , 2020
Latest Update : September 18 , 2023
Born and raised in Lebanon, Nada Dakhil earned her Bachelor's and Master's degrees in clinical and pathological psychology from Université Saint Joseph... more

A few years back, I wrote this piece and kept it to myself - knowing that I will re-read it in the future and smile - which I did today.

It means a lot to me as a working mom… I was going through a rough patch, and the ideas just poured from pure emotions and from a strong urge to overcome challenges, that is why I am sharing it with you today, hoping that it might help you as it helped me.

“Today I choose to perceive gender inequality as an opportunity. I refuse to view myself as a victim, I refuse to nag, I choose to rebel and to arm myself with gratitude and resilience.

Yes, I am a woman. Of course, I crave for equality. Sure, I hate it when I am shamed as a working mother. But NO, I am not letting this stand in the way of my growth and empowerment.

I choose to embrace it, befriend it and – believe it or not- I actively choose to be grateful for it and anyone reinforcing it!

Every time my career advancement goes uncelebrated and seems to be perceived as a threat to my role as a mother, I choose to view it as a chance to practice humility!

Every time I have to juggle many responsibilities while also being expected to “look” my best, I choose to view it as a chance to practice my executive skills and my resiliency muscles!

Every time I have to hear other people – including other women- lecture me about the expectations of being a woman or a mother, I choose to view it as a chance to practice my listening skills and to sharpen my ability to empathize - despite the boiling emotions inside me.

Every time I get the special treatment simply because I am a woman, regardless of merit or need, I choose to view it as a chance to practice the skill of “picking my battles”.

Today, and every day, I choose to rise above and keep growing.

Don’t get me wrong, I crave for gender equality. But until then, I have the power the perceive obstacles as opportunities, I have the will to transform my frustrations into ladders for growth.

I am grateful that, in my life, inequality only exhibits itself in very subliminal ways. And I am grateful that I am surrounded by supportive family members and colleagues; but still, gender inequality and mom shaming manage sneakily to infiltrate into my everyday life.

It pains me to think that, for many, gender inequality portrays itself in devastating, even life-threatening ways.

These realities need to be altered, eradicated. Help is needed. No acceptance. No reframing challenges. Full stop! Black and white.

As for me, the story is luckily in the grey zone and my weapon is the narrative and the perspective I choose every day. Not to forget my voice, my pen and my brush…”


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