Mothers’ Stories

The motherhood and its sides..

The motherhood and its sides..
Published : May 23 , 2018
Latest Update : September 18 , 2023
Sarah Shafagoj, a proud mama to three boys 10, 8 and 2.5,  She studied marketing at the University of Jordan and she is... more

Let me start by saying that I don’t believe there is one!

Do you ever wake up feeling like you have signed up for the wrong job? Yes, I am calling this motherhood thingy a JOB, an unpaid full-time job with complete physical and emotional drainage to the mind, body, and soul.

Many of you might get judgemental after reading the above, and many of you might jump to the conclusion that I may sound like this pathetic, ungrateful, unhappy blah blah blah mom.

But don’t we all sometimes? Yes, I believe we do.

I will not go mentioning the whole rosy, shiny and beautiful aspects of motherhood, but I will share the good and bad, the sweet and ugly, the whole truth.

I am a mother of three beautiful boys, aged 10, 8 and 2. And I am a supermom just like all of you beautiful readers. BUT, let us get real now, how super are we? How perfect are we?

Wait a minute here, do we have to be super and perfect? The answer is no, there is no such thing as a perfect mom or human being in my personal opinion.

Me and My Family

I want to share with you ladies how overwhelming motherhood can be, and what I am struggling with the most is coping with the pressure of it all. We all tend to lose it sometimes, and it gets hard so many days that we start self-beating and self-hating ourselves. So how do we keep calm? And how do we manage everything with calmness? I really don’t have an answer for that yet, but I believe we will get there if we try to focus on what is important, and what is worth working on.

So, let’s talk about love for a minute, the love we have for our children. Like that moment when you sit and cry and start blaming yourself for every wrong thing that seems to be happening with the way you are bringing your kids up or the moment when deep down inside you know how much you love them, how much you will sacrifice for them.

You’ll feel that you have found the solution! It is LOVE people, the healer, the miracle maker, and yes, I believe love heals all.

As my kids grew up, things began to change so much, I started feeling the need to talk to them more than yelling or screaming or just giving orders, I started finding that wise guru in me, and oh my! I was amazed, and you will be I am sure.

The challenge of being a mom and the daily demands of multitasking and running the whole household can be pretty draining, and I feel like giving up so many times like I can’t do it anymore.

But, then will come the time where you will know that you have to push yourself to be better and to always keep trying to find solutions because this is life, after all, we keep learning, failing and falling down and then getting up again.

The journey is long but beautiful, it is hard but full of laughter, and tears and proud moments too remember my dears just remember YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!!!!


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