Mothers’ Stories

Afro by Sara: The mum who spreads positivity with dancing

Afro by Sara: The mum who spreads positivity with dancing
Published : October 27 , 2020
Latest Update : September 18 , 2023
آية صرصور، أم لطفلتين٬ فلسطينية٬ كاتبة محتوى باللغة العربية ومترجمة من اللغة الإنجليزية إلى اللغة العربية وبالعكس٬ كما أنها خبيرة في التسويق... more

Some people have a talent for writing, others for singing or painting, but the subject of our article has a real gift for dancing - Afro dancing, to be more precise. With more than 600K followers on instagram and 199.5K on TikTok, Sara is rocking the social media world with her Afro dance moves, with her adorable son and cool hubby by her side.


We chatted to the “family influencer” to find out more about her life, family and why she’s all about spreading love and kindness.



Tell us a bit about yourself.

My name is Sara, a mom and Afro dancer/choreographer. I grew up in Africa where I attended my first Afro dance class and fell in love with it. Shortly after that, I became a certified choreographer and moved to Lebanon with my ex-husband. I had to teach myself more Afro dance moves through YouTube, which helped me become a dance instructor and  allowed me to teach at multiple gyms in Lebanon.

How did you meet your second husband?

I used to teach Afro dancing at a gym in Lebanon, the same gym where my husband used to play squash. However, we both attended the gym at the same time, therefore we never got to meet each other because I was giving a class while he was playing squash. It so happened that one day his game got cancelled and he heard my Afro music playing, so he went looking for the source of the music and that’s how he got into my class and we met each other.

How long have you been married?

We have been married for approximately 10 months.

After meeting your second husband, how did you know that he would be a suitable partner for you? 

We were actually friends and did not have any intention of being together. However, as the days went by and we became closer friends, it just clicked! Until today, we still can’t exactly pinpoint what happened.

Funniest story/ couple's moment when you first got married?

We actually love crazy moments. On our honeymoon, we challenged each other to dance in the middle of a busy touristic street! Knowing me, you would think that it would have been easy but I'm actually a shy person and it took me a lot of time to do the challenge. It turned out amazing though! People joined in and some of them left us money, thinking we were doing it to get tips lol.

In your opinion, what is the secret formula for a happy marriage?

  • Engage in exciting activities

  • Stay close to friends and family

  • Celebrate exciting news 




Describe motherhood in 3 words.

Love. Awesome. Patience.

How are you managing co-parenting with your ex-husband?

During weekdays, my son is with me, I take care of his studies and everything else. On weekends, he goes to his dad’s place, who takes good care of him. We also get in touch every once in a while to ensure that we make the right decisions for our son.

How did your son accept your second marriage?

The thing that helped the most was that he loved my second husband because he knew him as a friend first. After my divorce, I got him a pet which really helped him cope. I also always ensure that my son gets my attention as much as possible so that he doesn’t feel jealous of my husband.

How are you dealing with your current pregnancy complications, especially that you’re bound to bed rest?

It’s quite hard as I also have to help with homework, online classes etc. But thankfully, my husband helps me out a lot and does most of the work for me. I’m glad that my husband and my son have a very strong relationship, just as though he was his real dad.

How did you teach your son to dance and to love it as much as you do? 

Start them young! I have lovely videos of my son dancing since he was two-years-old. My son inherited a lot from me and one of those things is dancing.


Why did you specifically choose Afro dancing?

It’s my passion. Apart from that, my whole family loves to dance! Any time we’re all gathered, you’ll see everyone suddenly singing and dancing.

Your reasons behind becoming a family influencer?

I wanted to show the world how to build a strong relationship with your husband and children, not just by dancing but also by celebrating exciting news and moments together.

What were the biggest challenges you faced when you started dancing and posting on social media, and how did you overcome them?

I received loads and loads of bad comments, insults and negativity. At first, I got very depressed but then I realised that no matter what you do, people will always have something to say. I believe that my dance moves are very respectful and don’t show anything they’re not supposed to show. Everything I do is respectful, whether it is for young people or for adults.

How do you deal with negative feedback?

Most of the time I don’t read any bad comments, but when I do, I just ignore them. I receive loads of positive comments too, way more than negative comments. At the end of the day, we all have different opinions.

Your life hacks to maintain a balanced lifestyle?

  • Disconnect on the weekend

  • Treat yourself

  • Take good care of your health

  • Remember to have good and fun times

  • Explore the world

Finally, your ultimate advice/message for mothers and newly married couples.

In life, nothing is perfect but patience is key. Never think there is a perfect couple out there. In every household, there exists arguments, fights and opposite opinions; you just have to be patient and never let arguments escalate.


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