Preschoolers 4-5 Years

Literacy milestones in early childhood

Literacy milestones in early childhood
Published : November 13 , 2016
Latest Update : September 18 , 2023

We hear time and time again about the benefits of reading to our children from as early as the day they are born. But, did you know that there are tangible milestones that indicate your child is developing a conception of print and developing literacy?

Below are some developmental milestones of literacy development in early childhood.


6 to 12 months

  • Looks at pictures
  • Makes sounds, pats pictures
  • Prefers pictures of faces


12 to 18 months

  • Points at pictures with one finger
  • May make same sound for particular picture (ex: moo for cow)
  • Points when asked, “where’s…?”
  • Turns book right side up
  • Gives book to adult to read


18 to 24 months

  • Names familiar pictures (ex: labels a picture of a cat as “cat”)
  • Fills in words in familiar stories
  • “Reads” to dolls or stuffed animals
  • May recite parts of a frequently read story


24 to 36 months

  • Recites whole phrases from a familiar story
  • Protests when adults get a word wrong in a familiar story
  • “Reads” familiar books to self (child will pretend to read the story from memory)


3 years +

  • Listens to longer stories
  • Can retell a familiar story
  • Understands what text is
  • Moves finger along text
  • Pretends to write name
  • Moves toward letter recognition

It’s important for us to note here that, just like with any other kind of milestones, children develop at their own pace. It’s best to trust your instincts when it comes to your child’s development.


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