First Trimester

Everyday Stretches for The Pregnant Body

Everyday Stretches for The Pregnant Body
Published : April 11 , 2017
Latest Update : September 18 , 2023
Zena is a certified Prenatal Health and Fitness Coach, a loving mother of one and expecting her second. She became a health coach... more

It is without a doubt that exercising before and during pregnancy will help ease all the pains and aches that you are inevitably going to feel while pregnant. And, no matter how fit you are, you will still suffer from some of them! One of the best ways that helped me during both of my pregnancies, is to do stretching exercises almost every day. During pregnancy, your body shape changes and your center of gravity shifts which can result in muscle tightness and pain. Stretching exercises can help prevent muscle soreness and reduce stress on joints, they also help you in getting ready for labor by preparing your thigh, pelvic muscles, and ligaments for the best birthing positions. As you stretch and strengthen your inner thigh and abdominal muscles, you will also stretch the perineal area, the tissues around the birth canal that will stretch and open to let your baby out, in which would help you practice good posture during pregnancy.  

Below is a list of some of the stretching exercises that you should practice while pregnant and an explanation of how and why you should do them.

Squatting (can be modified by holding a chair):

Why: Historically, women have used squatting to give birth to allow gravity to help in the process.
How: Start by separating the feet wider than hip-width and walk the hands toward the knees while shifting the weight to the heels of the feet. Either keep the hands on the floor for balance, use a chair for support. Or bring the palms together in front of the heart with the elbows pressing against the inner knees. Hold it for 10 breaths. In addition,
a picture of a pregnant mom Squatting


Garland Pose:

Why: This pose helps in relieving backaches
How: Start from a squatting position with feet hip-width apart, shift your weight to the balls of the feet. Extend the arms between the knees with the head relaxed. Facing downward. Hold it for 10 breaths.
a women making a Garland Pose


Butterfly Pose or Tailor Stretching:

Why: This pose will help you stretch the groin and hip area.
How: Sit with the knees bent and the soles of the feet pressed together. Do not round your lower back, to make it easier you can sit against a wall for support. Tuck the tailbone under and continue to press the feet together while letting the knees fall open to the sides. Lean forward slightly to increase the stretch if needed. Count till 10.
A pregnant mom making the Butterfly Pose or Tailor Stretching:


Sitting Lateral Stretch:

Why: This exercise will help stretch your back and hamstrings.
How: Sit with the leg extended to the side and the foot flexed. The left leg is bent in front. If this is uncomfortable, keep left leg extended in front. Extend the arms to the sides at shoulder level. Inhaling raise the left arm while the right arm reaches toward the right leg. Exhaling, lean the torso toward the right leg while reaching the left arm up and over toward the right. 10 on each side
a pregnant women making the Sitting Lateral Stretch
Source: shutterstock


Spine Rotation Stretch:

Why: This Exercise helps in relieving back pains.
How: Lie on one side with the knees bent and the top arm extended on the top hip. Reach the top arm toward the feet and then slowly rotate the arm forward, up toward the head and eventually to the opposite side at shoulder level, following with your head. Keep reaching the arm, trying to get the shoulder on the floor. Hold the position for 10 breaths and then bring the arm back to the hip repeat the stretch on the same side, and then repeat it twice on another side.
a pregnant women making the Spine Rotation Stretch


Calf Stretch:

Why: This stretch will help in reducing leg cramps
How: Stand with the right leg behind you, the left knee bent to 90 degrees, and the back foot facing forward. Reach forward or place the hands on a wall. Inhale and lift the right heel up. Exhale and bring the right heel down. Hold the position for 3-5 breaths. Repeat the stretch on the left leg
a pregnant mom practicing the Calf Stretch


Shoulder Stretch:

Why: Helps to release tension from the shoulders.
How: Bring your hands behind your back, either interlace your fingers or grab the opposite wrists. Breathing easily, squeeze the shoulder blades together, pulling back on the shoulders. 10 times.
a women practicing the Shoulder Stretch


Shoulder Rotation:

Why: This will help stretch the shoulder and neck muscles which are the ones that get over-tensed during labor
How: Bring your shoulders forward and up, as if to touch your ears, and back around and down. Keep your arms relaxed. 10 repetitions.
a painting showing how to practice the Shoulder Rotation stretch


Cow to Cat Pose:

Why: This will help relieve back pains.


begin on all fours, with your wrists in line with your shoulders and your knees in line with your hips. Keep your spine, neck, and head aligned. Visualize a line extending from your tailbone through the top of your head. Inhale and curl your toes under, let your belly drop and slowly raise your chin towards the ceiling. This is the cow pose. Exhale and drop the tops of your feet back to the floor, round your spine and drop your head and look at your navel. Visualize a cat stretching in a Halloween decoration. Repeat the cat to cow stretch on each inhale and exhale for the next five breaths.
a pregnant women practicing Cow to Cat Pose stretch


Child’s Pose:

Why: This stretch is good to relieve tension in the lower back and hips.
How: Begin on all fours, move the knees wide apart to accommodate the belly and keep the toes together. Rest the hips back on the heels and allow the head to rest on the hands, keeping the elbows bent. Relax the muscles in the lower back and allow them to lengthen.  Hold the pose for 10 breaths.
a pregnant mom practicing the Child’s Pose stretch


Spinal Extension with Chair or Ball Support:

Why: Help relieves back pain.
How: kneel in front of a chair with your knees spread in a wide (V). raise your hands over your head as you tilt forward from your waist. Rest your hands on the chair and keep your head and spine aligned. hold the pose for 3-5 breaths.
 a pregnant mom practicing the Spinal Extension with Chair or Ball Support stretch


Spinal Flexion from Chair:

Why: Help relieves back pains.
How: Sit on a chair or a couch with your legs spread in a wide V and your arms at your side, point your toes to the outside, gently lower your arms and shoulders between your legs and rest your hands on the floor, just inside your feet or on top of your knees. Slowly raise yourself to the starting point. Hold the pose for 3-5 breaths.
 a painting showing how to practice the Spinal Flexion stretch


Chair Groin Stretch:

Why: Help stretches your hips and groin area.
How: Sit with your feet resting on the floor and hips in middle of a chair, bring your left leg up and cross your foot over your right thigh, gently pull your foot towards your hip and hold for 5 seconds. Repeat with opposite leg
 a women practicing the Chair Groin Stretch


LeapFrog Pose:

Why: This will help relieve pressure in the pubic area.
How: Sit in a kneeling position and open your knees comfortably in front of you. Placing your hands flat on the floor, shoulder-width apart. Allow most of your weight to rest more on your legs than arms, in this position practice 10 pelvic tilts.
 a painting showing the practice of Leap Frog Pose
Source: Dr. Sears – Prepare Right Now


Neck Relaxer:

Why: Reduce tension in the neck area.
How: Sit comfortably in a chair or on the floor. Bring both hands to the shoulders by the sides of the neck, fingers facing behind you. Inhaling, pull the shoulders forward, looking up toward the ceiling. Exhale and bring the head back to center. Repeat 5 times.
a painting showing Neck Relaxer exercise
Source: Mother Well: Maternity Fitness Plan Book

  Stretching exercises should be practiced as often as possible, spending time in these poses before giving birth can be both energizing and relaxing. So, whenever you feel pain or discomfort in any part of your body, just practice some of the stretching exercises mentioned above and I assure you that you will feel an instant relief.


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