
16 fun things to do this Eid

16 fun things to do this Eid
Published : September 09 , 2016
Latest Update : September 18 , 2023
The Ultimate Guide for Moms in the Arab world more

1- Go out for a picnic: choose a nice spot with some trees around, bring your own food and enjoy nature together.


2- Organize a treasure hunt: instead of handing your kids their Eid gifts, do a treasure hunt and hide them in unexpected places, leave clues along the way!


3- Eat out: explore new options for new restaurants together as a family, and choose one that would excite everyone.


4- Barbecue at home: and even better than going out, you can have a barbecue for the whole family in the garden or the balcony. kids can watch and participate, and you can prepare yummy and healthy burgers!


5- Let your kids create their own videos: they can act or sing or do a magic show! and then you can edit it with some music and watch it together as a family.


6- Give toys to poor children: you will teach your kids the joy of giving to others, and they will see the huge impact a kind act can make.


7- Plan a cooking day together: you can choose a theme like Chinese or Italian, go grocery shopping together and choose the ingredients then cook together, and while you’re cooking can even teach your kids about the traditions of this country.



8- Donate your clothes to poor people: explain to your kids that there are people who don't have proper clothes. Gather some old clothes together and go to charity organizations to donate, this will give them a sense of empathy towards others.


9- Do some crafts with the kids: the theme can be festive since it’s Eid time, like greeting cards or portraits where you can use the art to decorate your house with.

10- Play with huge bubbles! there’s no kid in the world who doesn't enjoy bubbles, and its double the fun when they’re huge!


11- Go to the movies: always a winner with the kids!


12- Painting: take out some colors and enjoy experimenting with new textures (like rocks, fabrics, paper).


13- Bake together: cake, cookies or pastries, they will enjoy measuring ingredients and mixing them together, and will love seeing their “masterpiece” getting out of the oven.


14- Play cards: teach your kids a simple card game (depends on their age), you can even invent one, and have fun playing!


15- Family road trip: go outside your city, introduce your kids to new places, and to make the ride more fun, tell them childhood stories along the way, sing songs together and play silly games!


16- Let the kids plan a party: and invite cousins and friends, they can choose a theme and you can brainstorm together on what to do, it can be very simple and fun.



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